The NaqshShort Film Days (NSFD), an annual festival of short films will be held on 2013 September at the Seef District. It will feature over 85 films from both local and foreign directors from more than 11 countries including Bahrain, KSA, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, UK and France.
Over 10 films are issued for their first international release, while some of the entries have been especially produced for the festival.
This year’s festival introduces the ‘Naqsh Creative Awards for the Bahraini Film’, which will bestow special awards to outstanding achievements by this year’s participants. The categories include Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Sound Engineering, Best Music and Best Special Effects. The members of the Panel of Judges include Yousif Foulad, former president of the Bahrain Cinema Club; Hussain Al Riffaie, committee director; Hamad Al Shihabi, scriptwriter; Fatima Abdulrahim, actor; and Yasser Saif, make-up artist.
Another highlight for 2013 is the ‘Audience Award’, which cites the most popular film at NSFD 2013, as voted on by audiences throughout the festival screenings.
The Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) also teams up with NSFD to showcase five short films by award-winning filmmakers from the UAE. On the other hand, the Cultural Department of the French Embassy in Bahrain submitted four films for screening.
The 3-day festival commences with the Audi-NSFD Red Carpet on Day 1, September 26, at 7:30pm. It will be followed by an Opening Ceremony and immediately after, with the screening of the opening film, ‘Sea Shadow’, by critically acclaimed director Nawaf Al Janahi.
Day 2 of the festival, Sept. 27, will feature the following Emirati films: ‘Aushba’s Well’ by the award-winning Waleed Al Shehhi, GFF Arab Short 2008; ‘Wheelbarrow’, by the UAE's first female independent filmmaker Nayla Al Khaja; ‘Tenbak’ by Abdullah Hassan Ahmed, Muhr Emirati 2010; ‘Bint Mariam’ by Saeed Salmeen Al-Murry, GFF 2008; ‘Sabeel’ by Khalid Al Mahmood, Muhr Emirati 2010; and lastly, ‘The Goat’s Head’ by Juma Al Sahli, Muhr Emirati 2012.
The last day of the festival, Sept. 28, will culminate with the activities for the Naqsh Creative Awards for the Bahraini Film and the Audience Award.
Throughout the festival period, the screenings will start from 10am, with last full shows at 11pm. Discussion Panels will also be conducted every 3pm for 2 days.